If you would like to add a memorial please email us with the words you would like to include.

In memory of Zara and Matilda McKenna Walker. Born sleeping on 23rd September 2022. 


If love could heal,you would live forever.

Roza and Aniela 25/01/2023 πŸ€πŸ¦‹

 Our beautiful sleeping princesses,the moment we held you both was in the same time the hardest and the most beautiful. 

We love you so much and we hope we're going to jest again. 

Mommy,Daddy and your older brother Nikodem. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—


Always missed, never forgotten. 
We will love you always our sweet baby girls Scarlett May ❀️ and Brooke Catherine πŸ’œ 5th April 2020. 

Our tiny little angels 
Taken far too soon, 
We had so many hopes and dreams, 
We’ll never get to see.

Our tiny little angels 
So beautiful and perfect,
Your tiny little footsteps, 
forever on our hearts 

Our tiny little angels 
We couldn’t love you more, 
You will always be remembered 
Our gorgeous baby girls

Our tiny little angels, 
It’s so hard to say goodbye, 
Always in our family,
Too special for this world


Noah, there isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about you multiple times a day. You are my angel. I only carried you for a little while, but I will always love you. Everytime I look at your brother, I will know exactly what you would have looked like. We will miss you when Kash takes his first steps, goes off to school, graduates, and all the other big and small life events you should have been here for. I know you both would have been best friends. But you will always be with us. Even if we can not see you, we will feel you. I know God is taking good care of you now. We will always love you!! I will always be your mama. A proud twin mama. Your life was short, but you will never be forgotten. I love you my sweet Noah! 


Kayleigh Madel 22/6/2000 - 22/6/2000

Lucy Madel 22/6/2000 - 25/6/2000


To my angels πŸ’”

Rio & Mason 6.5.2022

Heartbroken doesn't even come close,my precious babies... 

An angel opened up the book of life to record my twin boys birth,then whispered as she closed the book...to beautiful for earth πŸ’” 

Always on my mind forever in my heart 


To my son, Ivarr Elaric Leavitt 03/26/22-03/26/22 and my daughter, Evaeli Saoirse Leavitt 03/26/22-03/27/22… You were 23 weeks and 5 days when momma went into labor with you. Our lovely angels, we cherish you so much. You were our first babies, and we are forever grateful to have become your parents— you’ve shown us a love we’d never known until you both came along. Your dad and I wish so badly that you could have stayed, but we have a feeling we will see you again one day.  Your not being here is always on our minds, but we feel you with us all the time… we will never forget you and we will honor your memory, our tough little micro preemie fighters. We are SO incredibly proud of you. We also miss you so very much... Thank you for introducing us to the eternal love of you and everything you are. Send us love, healing, and strength our sweet littles. — From mommy & daddy. We love you forever


For our beautiful twin baby girls

Grace Marie Howitt πŸ’œ
Yvette Lily Howitt πŸ’™

If we could take a minute out of each and every day - to hold our babies close to our hearts and kiss their fears away.
If we could take a minute out of each and every week - to play with blocks, peek-a-boo, tag or hide and seek.
If we could take a minute of ant span of time - we'd never waste a second of the pleasure that your Dad's and mine.
If they could crawl upon our knees and lay their sleepy heads, upon our shoulders tenderly and dream of gingerbread. 
We'd spend our time in total bliss and watch our daughters grow, from babyhood to childhood, knowing all there is to know. 
If we could stop our aching hearts and put our minds to sleep. If we could stop the flow of tears that are always on our cheeks. 

We only need a minute, Lord - we know our girls are safe with you. But there's something really important that we had no time to do.
So if you could do it for us, Lord, here's a message Grace and Yvette should know - tell our babies how much Mummy and Daddy loved them, and we'll let them go.

Always and forever our little angels,

Love from Mummy and Daddy
Lauren Clarke & Richard Howitt.


Remembering our beautiful angel Jacob Arnold. Too precious for this world. You are always talked about, always missed and always remembered. We love you always ❀️❀️❀️ Fly high beautiful boy xxx

Love from, Mummy, Daddy and your twin brother Joshua xxx


In loving memory of our amazing and beautiful identical twin daughters Aubrey Christina & Harper Christina born preciously sleeping 11th September 2021. You made us mummies and we are forever grateful.
I carried you for every second of your lives and We will love you for every second of ours and eternally.
So Lift up you faces feel the wind in your hair, that’s us my sweet babies our love is right there. You are loved and never alone always remember that.
Whether your still our little babies or your all the way grown, We will always be your Mummy and Mum and love you forever. Enjoy playing together forever my girly wirlys and don’t forget a nightly kiss.
Sleep tight with Nanna till we meet you at the gates to live together eternally.
Love you always Mummy and Mum x


My Angel Babies β€οΈπŸ¦‹
Gary & Raymond 13/11/91
Missed so much
It broke my heart your goneπŸ’”
I’ll always carry yous in my ❀️ heart
Love you for all eternity

Love Mum xx


For my beautiful twin girls
Estelle Hope & Esme Faith 

You’ll never be forgotten
That simply cannot be.
As long as I am living,
I’ll carry you both with me.
Safely tucked within my heart
Your lights will always shine;
A glowing ember never stilled,
Throughout the end of time.
No matter what the future brings, 
Or what may lie ahead,
I know you will walk with me
Along this path I tread.
So rest my little angels, be at peace
And you let your souls fly free.
When it’s my time I’ll join you there
For all eternity ✨❀️✨

I love and miss you both, every second of everyday❣️
Momma Xx


To my beautiful twin Bouguila babies,  28/05/2019

My beautiful babies
I will never know you now
It really wasn't meant to be
It's too unfair, somehow.

Touched with grand love
Although for a small time
that feeling stays forever
and forever you are mine.

but hiding the grief
and fighting back the tears
will be part of me now
for the rest of my years

A curse of disbelief
for you two mean so much,
My 2 beautiful babies
Our love is always in touch.

I am blinded by tears
and I have a gaping space
My 2 precious twins.
I will never replace.

But forever you both are
and forever you will be
Part of my existence,
and the void that is in me.

My twinkling stars,
and so many "maybe's"
Nothing will ever replace you, my two beautiful babies. 

Thinking of you every single day, your other 9 siblings would love you so much x


The Harper Twins - August 2006 @ 14 weeks

I never got to hold you or even name you 

My arms still feel empty from your loss

I would give anything to kiss & hug you

My heart has two pieces missing 

If only i could have protected you

Until i get to see you again

Here are some hugs, kisses just for you

You are loved more than ever

Mummy & daddy


Matthew Christopher Andrews 20.03.2020 - 22.03.2020

Oliver James Andrews 20.03.2020 

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. 

We love you to the moon and back 

Mummy & Daddy xxx


Morgan our beautiful boy 01/01/2000

Twin brother of Derri - Morgan and big brother to Sister Lauren  πŸ’™πŸ’™


For our little warrior Coby-Jett 21/1/20-7/2/20.
U amazed us everyday u fought, everyone fell in love with u, but in the end u were just too good for this world and grew your little wings. Not a day goes by I don't miss u, it still hurts knowing you're not here! Tommy-Jenson your twin brother will always know of u! Sleep tight little man.
Love mummy, daddy and all your siblings xxx


Hunter Ethan Cerovic 21/09/2015-30/09/2015 and Lincoln anthony Cerovic 21/09/2014-22/09/2015 from ttts so sad without them and miss them every second we love u to the moon and back always and forever your proud mummy daddy and brothers xxxx


To Sebastian and Diego
We only had you for a while
We never got to see you smile
We wont ever hear your cry
Our love for you will never die
Nothing can take away the pain
Until the day we meet again
Goodbye for now our beautiful boys
All our love mummy and daddy
Written by Steven Wilkinson


Lily and Nancy, our beautiful twin baby girls.
Life continues to be difficult without you. We think of you each and every day and the pain of losing you will never leave us. We hope you are up there watching over us and are proud of your Mommy and Daddy. Our only comfort is knowing you are together, always keeping each other safe in your arms. Love you now and forever precious angels.  (Born sleeping - 17/06/2016)


Our beautiful baby girl Malayah-Rae, passed away in the womb while her twin Amarni-George survived, you kept your brother safe and looked after him till the end, born on the 27th June 2018 at 12:15am. We miss you so much Malayah-Rae and you’ll always be with us our beautiful princess. Mummy and Daddy love you so much


In memory of Ruby Backus twin to brother Sam. We love and miss you so much Princess. Sending so much love and kisses. Mommy, Daddy, twin brother Sam and your new baby sister.  

To my beautiful baby boy Lucas Mennell, at 28 weeks gestation you came into the world. 21.04.2018 was the day you and your twin brother made me a mummy. I never felt love like it, sadly at 5 days old you had to leave me for the angels. You fought for so long and I’m so incredibly proud of you to call you mine. I miss you so very much, I look for butterflies to know you’re around me. Giraffes symbolise our connection as you have my teddy and I have yours. You are my angel and your twin brothers guardian Angel. My love for you is unconditional, sleep tight my sweet little boy.

I love you forever.
From Mummy & your twin brother.
Kirsten Mennell & Layton Mennell xxxxxxxx


❀️Darcie Rae Gunnett
Ada Nancy Gunnett ❀️ Our beautiful twin girls, who made us parents on 2nd September 2021. The best experience of my life was carrying you for 35 weeks. Feeling every kick, roll and hiccup. I miss you both tremendously, not a minute goes by that you aren’t in our thoughts. We love you both so much. Rest in peace our beautiful angels. Lots of love Mummy and Daddy xxxxxx


In memory of Ruby Backus twin to brother Sam. We love and miss you so much Princess. Sending so much love and kisses. Mommy, Daddy, twin brother Sam and your new baby sister.  


To mine and Jasmines Darling baby twins. We may not of met you but we no you would of been just perfect. There will never be a moment where mummy and daddy aren't thinking about you. We love you always and forever. We will always be together somewhere. ❀ R.I.P our little angels 


Esther Robson Kirkup April 2016

Our beautiful baby. We love you more than words could ever say. 
Always know that every kiss and hug we give to Dexy and Nancy are yours too. 
Until we meet again my sweet girl... 


In loving memory of my beautiful son twin one Lawrence,
It breaks a little more each day that your gone,
I can’t wait to give you the biggest hug when mummy comes up to heaven,
We have to wait a little while which feels like an eternity,
But we will be together again one day,
We love you beautiful always and forever,
Love your mummy & your twin Logan xxxx


Our beautiful Little Twin - you will always be loved and remembered. 

Play in the stars with your big Siblings Charlie and Pips xx

Love you, Mummy 


Mattie, my beautiful Big Twin, you will forever be my rainbow and I will love you always. 

"I knew you before I knew your name
I loved you before I saw your face
I longed for you for all of that time
And I held your heart in mine
I kissed you you a hundred million times
I tasted the tears that I cried
I held you my beautiful child
And I'll keep your heart in mine

I love you to the moon and back my little winter bear
I know you know how much that is cause you're already there
I never knew a love like this could ever possibly exist
I love you to the moon and back as long as I live"

Play in the stars with your big siblings, pips and Charlie and your twin x

Love you all, always and forever, Mummy 


Nova and Aurora Smith-Durling 10/10/2020
In loving memory of our two precious stars

Up above our world you fly
Watching us as the night goes by
We feel you close, though you’re afar
Shine bright our angel stars

Love you to the moon and back. Always in our thoughts and heart.
Mummy and Daddy xxx


Florence Elizabeth Boyde 27.10.2017

Not all twins walk side by side sometimes one has wings to fly.

You will forever be our beautiful angel and grateful that you graced our lives with your presence. 

We love you always xx


Freya and Alice Dimelow born 11th May 2020

Much wanted daughters and sisters, forever in our hearts and loved always. We miss you every moment of everyday. All our love mummy, daddy and your big brothers Charlie and George xx


For our little Fiorella.
Identical twin sister to Cadenza. May the angels look after you until we meet again. Forever in our hearts little one, we see you every day in your twin sister.
All our love forever xxx


Lydia Rose and Evie Rose Ollis born 1st November 2019.

Lydia was born sleeping and Evie passed away on 2nd November 2019.

Will be forever loved and missed by Mummy, Daddy and their big brother Jack.


Phoebe Leigh Sydney O'Neill, my beautiful angel who gained her wings at 4 days old. So small and perfect. 
Phoebe, I love you so so much and miss you every single day. I wonder each day how life would be with you and your identical twin Chloe. You will always be my twin babies and I will forever remember our 4 days together and our last moments where I held you until you grew your wings. 
Miss you forever Phoebe and will always hold you tight in my heart xxx


To Jacob Kealoha-Lopez who joined the angels on December 29,2014 and Joseph Alika Kealoha-Lopez who also joined the angels on November 16,2017 we all love and miss you guys so very much. You guys will always and forever be loved and cherished. I love you guys.


I miss you with every beat of my heart. I am so blessed to have carried you for 20 weeks. You fought so hard and I thank you for that my precious boy. You gave your identical brother Nathan Gabriel the gift of life. I tried so hard to keep you both safe...when I look in Nathan's eyes I know you are there. Wish I could turn back time and save you...or at least hold you in my arms even just once...forever my boy...forever a mum to twin boys...your brother and sister Sarah will never forget you and we will talk about you every day...just wish you were here. Xoxox


Remembering James and Jack 
Born sleeping 20 August 2008 
Always loved never forgotten 
Fly high boys, love from all your family xxxxx
In loving memory of Penelope and Paighton Harper. 


We love and miss every one of you girls every second of the day. 
Love Mommy and Daddy


Jack Freeman 17/02/1990
Twin brother to Anthony
The pain in my heart will always stay, until I can hold you in heaven
Love mummy and daddy xxx


Liam James Webb Born sleeping 10.01.08 
I will come with you someday Only now is not the time and then we will be together again, again you will be mine. All our love Mammy Daddy, Layla and Joshua XXX


Always loved, never forgotten 
James and Jack Gregory 
We hold you tight in our hearts 
Happy heavenly Christmas 
Fly high little ones 
Lots of love from 
Mummy, Daddy, Oliver and Emily xxx


Conor and Mark Nugent
We think about you every day 
Our beautiful boys


To Ava and Phoenix
our daughter and son. 
You will never be forgotten. 
1/29/15. We love you so much


To Darcie-Ellouise and Dillion-Reuban 
Love mummy and daddy 
and sisters xxxx



Jensen James Wilkinson 
24/03/14 - 25/03/14 
Forever a twin to Annaleigh & 
little brother to Bailey. 
Always in our thoughts baby boy. 
Mammy and Daddy adore you 
and love you forever. 
Sending lots of floaty kisses to heaven.
Sleep peacefully son xxx


In memory of Lola Nadine and Ebony Lee Hughes


Vivienne, you will always be my baby girl, in my heart and mind every day. Your brothers will never know the tyranny a sister could bring, although Edward carries double the trouble for you! Love you more than life would let me know, mummy xx



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