Twins Trust partner with Petals, the specialist baby loss counselling charity, to provide access to counselling sessions for those who have experienced bereavement.

We have now filled all spaces in the pilot phase and ten sets of bereaved parents are receiving support from a specially trained Petals counsellor. We hope to secure funding to roll this vital service out more widely in the future and provide support to more parents who have experienced loss.

"The specialist nature of the Petals Counselling Model focuses on connecting at depth with each parent's personal experience of trauma and loss. Our counsellors are therefore practised in working with the complexities of loss that our clients bring to their sessions, sharing their knowledge, skills and deep understanding of the needs of parents facing the loss of multiples or one of a multiple in pregnancy or following birth."
- Karen Burgess, CEO, Petals
You can find out more about Petals on their website.