Baby Loss Awareness Week takes place every year from 9-15 October.

It's a week for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together to remember and commemorate their much-loved and missed babies. Throughout the week, bereaved parents, family members and friends can remember and raise awareness together with thousands of families elsewhere in the world.

The week also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss, as well as highlighting the vital work that is needed to improve pregnancy outcomes and to save babies' lives.


Mum supports bereaved parents after twin son's death
A twin mum whose son died when he was 21-months-old has turned her tragedy into something positive to help other bereaved individuals.
Terminating a twin pregnancy due to medical reasons
Making the decision to terminate their twin pregnancy due to medical reasons was heartbreaking for Becca and George.
Twins Trust 'was a lifeline' for mother after twin daughter died during pregnancy
As she lights a candle and a flame flickers in the darkness during Baby Loss Awareness Week (2022), twin mum Katie Harris will remember Abikara, her daughter who died in January 2021.