Twins Trust online support communities offer safe spaces for parents to talk to someone who has experienced the loss of a baby or babies.
We want you to feel less alone in your grief, and we want to be able to find you the right support which is why we have four dedicated groups for different types of loss and one main community group open to everyone. We recognise that by connecting with others who have suffered a similar loss it can provide a sense of support and safety that cannot be found elsewhere.
Our communities are there to share experiences, photographs, memories and mutual support at a time where you may feel very isolated. You may wish to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, we simply ask that you always do so with compassion and care for others.
All our groups are hosted on Facebook and are moderated by members of our Family Services Team Monday to Friday; 9am to 3pm.

The loss of a baby or babies can be incredibly overwhelming.
If you are feeling that you are unsafe and you may harm yourself, please reach out to the Samaritans on 116123, your GP, your local A&E or call 999.
Community support groups
Register to join our online communities
After you have asked to join one of the Facebook groups, we ask for a short registration form to be completed before you are admitted. This is so we can keep our community a safe place for all.
Please note, these communities are for peer-to-peer support, if you are seeking medical advice then please contact your GP, or your relevant health professional as soon as possible.