It can sometimes help to read stories from parents who may have experienced a similar situation to your own. Kind parents have shared theirs with us here. Please be aware that some stories contain details of survivors.

Harley's story
Harley Cunningham has transformed mental health at her workplace by implementing new projects to support those who have experienced a bereavement.
Tracey's story of triplet loss
"Later that day we met and cuddled our beautiful Cayden, I was so happy to be with him, especially knowing that we wouldn’t have much time with him."
Three surviving quads, a big sister and remembering a brother
"You breathed life in this world so briefly, but will live in our hearts for always."
Becca's story
Making the decision to terminate their twin pregnancy due to medical reasons was heartbreaking for Becca and her husband.
Lottie's story
Lottie and Lexi came to us in an emergency and stayed the rest of Lottie’s life.
Hannah's story
Poppy and Rosie were diagnosed with stage 2 Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome at 16 weeks.
Kate's story
They change the world, these special sleeping babies do, they make small ripples that turn into waves that change things.
Grace's story
"There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about our gorgeous Grace."
Hannah and Matt's story
At 16 week scan showed a significant difference in our twin’s size.
Jodie and Steve's story
Identical twins Henry and Adam were born on March 23rd 2020 – the day the UK went into lockdown. Henry sadly passed away six days later.
Rebecca's story
Losing a baby can be a very lonely time. Losing a baby during a world pandemic is even more so.
Katie's story
“Baby loss is a taboo subject and people don’t know what to do with it."
Claudia and Benjamin's story
I want people to know that they are not alone; charities like Twins Trust and its Bereavement Support Group are here for everyone. 
Primrose's story
We knew that there were problems as our girls were suffering from TTTS, but we never let ourselves think about the reality of what this actually could mean.
Sharon's story
I got in touch with Twins Trust and was paired with a Befriender; I found so much support within the private Bereavement Facebook group as well.
Katie and Olly's TTTS experience
*This story contains a bereavement* Thrilled to be pregnant with identical twins, Katie Monk was enjoying her pregnancy, especially after suffering an early miscarriage the year before.
Tracey's story
“Oh your twins are so cute” is an off-the-cuff comment by well-meaning strangers that still fills Tracey Kirby with sadness.
Kim's story
Born early, Noah had already managed to survive Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) and spent the lead up to Christmas battling to stay alive in Intensive Care.
Ben's story
When Sam died, I was only one. 21 years on there are still days I think and talk about him.
Sarah's story
"I found Twins Trust quite early on after one of our bereavement midwives mentioned them. I soon realised I wasn’t alone and there were many others also walking this journey, all at various stages."
Kate's story
Kate did not have the chance or knowledge to connect with others through grief at the time of losing her precious girls, Violet and Daisy.