Derby Twins Group was established in the 1980's by a group of twin mums and is still run by volunteers today. It hosts a friendly playgroup for twins, multiples and their siblings. Parents/carers can meet other parents of multiples to get advice and support and make new friends. Mums-to-be are very welcome too. We have lots of play equipment suitable for newborn babies, toddlers and pre-school multiples and their siblings (including older siblings during school holidays). There is a safe play area for small babies. Hot drinks and biscuits for adults and a healthy snack for children are included within the £3 admission price per family. Proceeds are used to fund the room hire, food, drink and extra activities for our Christmas party. The playgroup is held in modern and spacious facilities with free on-site parking, changing facilities and microwave available. We meet once a month (except August) from 9:45am-12:00pm. We also have an off-site meeting in August, a Christmas party and relaxed social events for adults. Our Facebook group has details of all our events and has discussions on everything twin related. There are sales of nearly new twin items too.