Applying for school for any child can be a daunting task - but when applying for multiples, you may find that you are hit with a number of additional considerations. Twins Trust is here to help you understand what's available to you as parents of multiples and answer some of the most common questions around education and multiples. It's often discussed in our online communities.


Education resources for twins, triplets and more

Find information around the key stages of education for your children and view resources around the admissions processes, appeals and advice on how to prepare your children for each school stage.


Preschool or nursery

How can you find a preschool that meets your children's individual needs? What questions should you ask, are there additional considerations for multiples and what should you keep an eye out for?

Preschool information


Primary school

Get information on how and when to apply for primary school and access additional resources for SEND applications or appeals. This section also explores the additional considerations you may need to consider for multiples, including deferring or delaying your children's school start; whether your children should be kept together or apart at school and how to prepare them for starting primary school.

Primary school information


Secondary school

Access information on how to apply and prepare for secondary school.

Secondary school information


Two school age girls sit smiling at the camera


Further resources for parents and teachers of multiples

This section of our website has been created in partnership with Pat Preedy, whose useful website, Twin Education, collates resources for both teachers and parents.


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Personal stories from parents of multiples
Let it go
Whether you're punching the air or weeping into the sink, Twins Trust’s Head of Family Services, Louise Bowman, offers tips on a good start at school.
Over to you
Together or apart can be a vexed question for parents when multiples start school. But what do the children think?
Second time lucky
Twin mum Verity Snook on her triplet childhood and the lessons learned from some less than sensitive school handling.