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Expert resources to enhance your care

Supporting healthcare professionals with essential guidance, training, and resources to improve outcomes for twin, triplet, and multiple pregnancies. Explore maternity care standards, bereavement support, and CPD opportunities to strengthen your expertise and patient care.

Maternity Care Quality

Working alongside Healthcare Professionals, we aim to improve outcomes for multiple pregnancies by ensuring care is delivered consistently and in line with national guidance. Our Maternity Engagement Project is at the heart of this work.

Bereavement in Twins and Triplets

We support healthcare professionals to work with families who have lost one or more of a set of twins, triplets or more - whether during or after pregnancy.

Training and CPD

Our training for healthcare professionals focuses on issues related to pregnancy with multiples, including pre-term birth, sonography and delayed cord clamping


We have numerous resources available for both families and healthcare professionals, from pregnancy right through the parenting journey.

Research and Reports

Twins Trust has partnered with research organisations to understand more about multiple pregnancies (and beyond), to help improve outcomes for families

Healthcare Professionals Newsletter

Stay informed of the latest goings-in, including CPD opportunities, multiple-specific webinars, study days, courses, events, guidelines, resources, reports published by Twins Trust and ongoing research

Latest webinar

The Role of a Specialist Multiples Midwife

The second in our new series of webinars is on the role of the specialist multiples midwife. The webinar is hosted by Helen Peck, who is joined by Laura Jones and Nicky Nicholson.

More webinars