There are three or more babies starting to grow and join your family. This will most probably be a huge shock and it is likely that you are experiencing a mixture of emotions. These pages are written specifically for you, whilst our main pages also have useful hints and tips for more than one baby. As well as getting everything sorted and in place, taking care of yourself is hugely important. Our Healthy Multiple Pregnancy Guide gives lots of information about how to stay healthy for yourself and your babies.

An uncomplicated triplet pregnancy will have at least 11 appointments and each appointment will include a scan. Twins Trust has developed a care pathway and antenatal appointment checklist that guides you through your pregnancy journey.

Finding Out

Finding out you are expecting triplets quads or more can be an overwhelming but extremely exciting time. Twins Trust are here to answer your questions and to offer support and reassurance.

Multiple Pregnancy - Care Checklist

The checklist details the care you should be offered, from your first hospital scan up until the birth of your babies.

Selective Reduction

Selective Reduction may be mentioned by your consultant so we wanted to prepare you for the discussion and try and give you some information so you can make the most informed decision about what you do for your family.

Understanding your babies' adjusted/corrected age

If your babies are born prematurely, they will be given two ages: an actual age and a corrected or adjusted age.

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Finding out you are having triplets

"I'd say really taking each day, each appointment as it came helped me the most."

"Our scan frequency slowly increased and by week 24 I was being scanned every other or every day."