Below are some of the charities and organisations we work with which may also be helpful to you. These organisations may be useful to you as you consider your options for the variety of challenges that face parents expecting multiples.
Antenatal Screening and Testing
Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
Twins Trust Bereavement Support
Stillborn and Neonatal Death (Sands)
Breastfeeding support
Breastfeeding facilities in UK and Irish airports
Bronchiolitis/Lung conditions
BabyEm Maternity Nurse Placement
Cord blood banking
Cry-Sis - Support for crying and sleepless babies
Domestic violence and abuse
National Abuse and Domestic Violence Helpline
NSPCC- The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Equipment and Baby Banks
Fertility Support
Chana- supports couples in the Jewish community in the UK who are facing the challenges of infertility
Buttle UK Family Fund (grants for families with disabled children)
Childcare Choices, GOV UK- for info on free hours and 30 hours free childcare, Mat leave, paternity leave, universal credit etc
Food Banks
Legal Support
We are family- magazine for LGTBI people in a family context
Maternity Support
Mental Health
PANDA (pre and postnatal depression advice and support)
Multiple births organisations
The Multiple Births Foundation
The Irish Multiple Births Association
The Australian Multiple Births Association
The National Organisation of Mothers of Twins Clubs (USA)
International Council of Multiple Birth Organisations (ICOMBO)
Czech and Moravian Twins and Multiple Births Clubs
Finnish Multiple Births Association
Federation Jumeaux et Plus (France)
Twins and Triplets Association (Israel)
Italian Parents of Twins and Multiples Association
Norwegian Multiple Birth Organization
Multiple Birth Foundation of Sri Lanka
Association Jumeaux (Switzerland)
One Parent Families
Parenting Information & Organisations (General)
Family and Parenting Institute
Made for Mums (parenting website)
Brake (Road safety charity)
Daddi Life ( a site for modern day dads)
Practical support
Family Lives - Family lives help and support families who are struggling and build better family lives together
Special needs
CarersUK (supporting carers)
Family Fund (grants for families with disabled children)
Rainbow Trust- for parents with a seriously ill child/children
Speech and Language
Breastfeeding facilities in UK and Irish airports
Triplets and Higher Multiples
CLAPA- cleft and life palate association
Rainbow Trust- for parents with a seriously ill child/children
Rehab 4 Addiction - advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction
SSAFA- support for families of service/ex service members
The London Orthotic Consultancy - advice about Positional Plagiocephaly