Two children in swimming costumes smile at the camera against a purple background

There's one set of twins, triplets or more born every hour in the UK. But our research has shown that each of these families is facing huge economic, social, health and developmental challenges.

That's where you come in...

We need you to commit to spending just one hour during the last week in June (24-30 June) to raise funds for the next generation of multiples facing these unprecedented challenges.


How do I get involved?
Number one in a circle

Choose an activity with your children that they'll do for an hour (or one hour per day).


Number two in a circle

Then get friends, family or school groups to sponsor them. If you don't want to do any activities, you can just donate!


Set up your fundraiser or donate


Three children on scooters looking at the camera


Key details

Date: 24-30 June (during Twins, Triplets and More Week)
Location: Wherever you choose!
Minimum sponsorship: No minimum sponsorship
Thank you: To our lead partner, Irwin Mitchell, for all their support of this campaign.

Irwin Mitchell logo


Three children walk away from the camera whilst holding hands


Ideas for what you or your children could do
Icon of a person dancing

Dance for an hour

Icon of a microphone

Sing for an hour

Icon of two hands holding a book

Read for an hour

Icon of a phone crossed out

Give up technology for an hour a day

Icon of a finger on lips

Stay silent for one hour

Icon of a sponge and mop

Help with household chores for an hour

Icon of a person dropping litter in a bin

Tidy up your local neighbourhood for an hour

Icon of a watering can

Help in the garden for an hour a day

Icon of a bicycle

Cycle or scoot for an hour a day

Icon of a tick

Saying 'yes' to everything for an hour

Icon of a multiplication sign

Write out their times tables for an hour

Icon of a person swimming

Swim for an hour

Icon of a person walking

Join us for our Twins Trust Hour (and a bit!), the Walk for Twins Trust at Virginia Water on 29 June

Icon of two babies

My kids are too young, so instead I'll get sponsored to push them in a double buggy or do one of the above activities for them!

Set up your fundraiser or donate