We're calling on candidates standing in the 2024 UK General Election to commit to supporting the five points in our Manifesto for Multiples. Families with twins and multiples face systemic issues that result in inequality. Twins Trust is committed to changing that. We need your help this election to make that change a reality.

Our Manifesto for Multiples
  1. Maternity pay per baby, not per pregnancy.
  2. Prevent unwanted separation of twins, triplets and more in schools.
  3. Compulsory training for midwives on multiple births.
  4. Commit to a clear target for reducing neonatal and maternal deaths and stillbirths.
  5. Rescue and reform early education so that it's fit for purpose.

Find out more and read the manifesto in full...


Our manifesto outlines the changes that are needed to ensure that multiples and their families can enjoy equity in finance, health and education. We urge all candidates - and the next government - to support its aims to ensure families with multiples can enjoy equal outcomes, despite an unequal start in life.


Show your support
Icon showing a hand placing a ballot in a ballot box
I'm a voter

Contact your candidates to ask them if they will support the manifesto. You can check your candidates and find their contact details using the Who Can I Vote For? website and use the email below to get in contact with them.

Contact candidates


Icon showing an outline of a person standing behind a podium
I'm a candidate

Pledge your support for our manifesto - email [email protected] to add your commitment and we'll send you social media graphics you can use to share your stance with your electorate.

Pledge support


Get involved and support the campaign by copying the below suggested email and sending it to your candidates to encourage them to support the Twins Trust Manifesto for Multiples this General Election.  You can check your candidates and find their contact details using the Who Can I Vote For? website.


Dear candidate,

As one of your potential constituents, I'm writing to ask if you'll commit your support to the Twins Trust Manifesto for Multiples, to help improve the lives of families with twins, triplets and more. 

As a parent of multiples, this manifesto is so important to me. Families like mine face systemic issues which result in inequality. Every hour, another set of multiples is born into this inequality in the UK.

If elected on 4 July, what will you do for families like mine living in your constituency, to help ensure we have equity in finance, health and education?

Twins Trust is the leading UK charity representing families with twins, triplets and more, with a community of over 60,000 families. Will you commit your support to their five point manifesto, set out below? More detail on each policy can be found on their website: www.twinstrust.org/manifesto

1. Maternity pay per baby, not per pregnancy
2. Prevent unwanted separation of twins, triplets and more in schools
3. Compulsory training for midwives on multiple births
4. Commit to a clear target for reducing neonatal and maternal deaths and stillbirths
5. Rescue and reform the early education childhood sector so that it's fit for purpose

Will you pledge to help improve the lives of multiple birth families in your constituency if elected? If yes, please let me know and email [email protected] – they will send you social media graphics so that you can share your commitment with my fellow electors.

Thank you for considering this important commitment.

With thanks,
Twins Trust Member and Parent of Multiples

A set of twins around five years old stand in front of a field of wheat smiling at the camera


Our manifesto in full
Icon showing two babies
Point One: Implement maternity pay per baby, rather than per pregnancy, for parents of multiples


The current maternity pay system does not adequately address the unique needs of families with twins or higher order multiples. Families with multiples face specific challenges: greater risks and care needed during pregnancy and after birth, significantly greater financial strain and greater risk of mental health issues. Nearly every other OECD country addresses this by providing a lump sum to families with twins or triplets. The UK must do more.

What we need

Maternity pay should be paid per baby, rather than per pregnancy, to reflect these increased demands. This will reduce financial pressures and improve health and psychological outcomes for families with twins, triplets or more.


Icon showing two books with an apple on top
Point Two: Amend education policies to ensure parents are listened to when making decisions about keeping siblings together or separating them


The practice of splitting twins, triplets and higher order multiples into different classes, or on occasion different schools, can have significant impacts on their psychological and academic wellbeing.

What we need

Education policies must prioritise parental choice and input in class and school selection.


Icon showing a healthcare professional
Point Three: Introduce compulsory specialised training on multiple births for all midwives, sonographers and health visitors


Multiple births require specialised knowledge and skills due to the higher risks and complexities involved. Currently, the vast majority of midwives, sonographers and health visitors do not have sufficient training to manage these risks effectively. This is compounded by the significant turnover in the sector, meaning that they also do not have the on-the-job experience that once went some way to mitigating this. Mothers and babies are at risk as a result.

What we need

Midwives, sonographers and health visitors must have compulsory, comprehensive training on multiple births. This training should cover the specific medical, psychological and logistical challenges involved in multiple births.


Icon showing a health with a healthcare symbol inside
Point Four: Commit to clear targets beyond 2025 for reducing incidence of neonatal and maternal deaths, stillbirths and brain injuries occurring during or soon after birth


The government is committed to halving (by 2025) the rates of neonatal and maternal deaths, stillbirths and brain injuries occurring during or soon after birth. Yet we aren't on track to meet those targets, with progress stagnating. With better care, it's estimated that around 800 baby deaths could have been prevented in 2022/23. Multiples are particularly affected by this: the average neonatal death rate for someone carrying multiples is more than five times greater than for a singleton pregnancy. The average stillbirth rate for someone carrying multiples is 2.4 times higher for someone carrying multiples than a singleton pregnancy.

What we need

We need a clear commitment to improving maternity and neonatal care through increased funding to meet agreed targets for reducing stillbirths, neonatal deaths, maternal deaths and birth injuries. This will be underpinned by a comprehensive strategy addressing all key elements of safe maternity care, such as sufficient staffing levels to ensure safe care for mothers and babies. We also need adequate research funding, specifically on multiple births, to better track outcomes related to high-risk pregnancies.


Icon showing a person holding a baby inside a circle
Point Five: Rescue and reform the early education childhood sector so that it's fit for purpose for children, for families - particularly those with multiples - and for the economy


Our current early education and childcare system is underfunded, unequal and inaccessible to the people who need it the most, notably families with multiples who face double/triple the costs and additional challenges with finding suitable places. Continuing with the current model is not an option.

What we need

A guarantee that all children - particularly twins, triplets and more - can access inclusive, high-quality childcare provision that is affordable for their parents.


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Our helpline, Twinline, is here to support you, answering questions about feeding, sleeping, starting school, friendships, getting to grips with the teenage years, or anything else multiples related.