Twins Trust's Study Day 2025 will give you the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of multiple birth pregnancy. Our 2025 in-person event in London follows last year's acclaimed, sold out event.

It will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 between 9.30am and 4.30pm at UCH Education Centre, Euston Road, London.

Sign-in to your Twins Trust account or register now to book your place now.


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What to expect

The day will bring together experts in their field to discuss delivery, preterm labour, bereavement, complications, sonography, twins clinics, the multiples midwife and the maternity landscape. There will also be a live sonography demonstration and a panel-based 'Ask the Experts' discussion, in addition to lots of networking opportunities.



10.00am - Welcome and Introduction

Shauna Leven
Chief Executive Officer
Shauna has worked in senior management roles in the charity sector for more than ten years. She is also a human rights lawyer, a successful campaigner and strategist, but her most important role is mum to boy/girl twins.

10.20am - Maternity and Neonatal Landscape in 2025

Donna Ockenden FRSA, Hon D.Litt, Hon D.Sci
Chair of the Independent review into Maternity Services at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Donna Ockenden is a nurse and a midwife. She has more than 35 years' experience within a variety of health settings both in the UK and internationally.

In 2017 Donna was appointed to chair the Independent review into Maternity Services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, the final report of which was published on 30 March 2022.

Donna has been a champion of patient safety in women's and children's health and maternity services - she works alongside a number of charities who are committed to ensuring the best and safest outcomes for mothers and their babies, including Baby Lifeline, Sands and MASIC.

In May 2022, Donna was appointed as the Chair of the Independent review into Maternity Services at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, which is expected to publish in September 2025.

10.40am - The new RCOG Green Top Guideline on Management of Monochorionic twins-published 2025: what are the new recommendations (in context to other international guidelines)

Emeritus Professor of Fetal Medicine, University of Birmingham

Consultant in Fetal Medicine at Birmingham Women's and Children's Foundation Trust
Visiting Professor at King's College, London

Professor Kilby worked in the management of the complications of Twin and Higher-order pregnancies at the Fetal Medicine Centre at Birmingham Women's and Children's Foundation Trust. He established the fetoscopic laser service for the management of TTTS in Birmingham, after a sabbatical with Yves Ville in Paris and received referrals from all across the North and Midlands of England.

He has written and published extensively on the management of twin pregnancies. He was Chairman and then Senior Topic Advisor for the NICE Guidelines for the Management of Twin and Higher-order Pregnancies published in 2011 (CG129) and then again in 2019 (NG137). He is also an author of the RCOG's Green Top Guideline on the management of Monochorionic twins (published in 2025 [but also published in 2008 and 2016).

11.00am - Growth Restriction in twins and Recent Advances

Prof. Asma Khalil, MD, MBBCh, MRCOG, MSc(Epi), DFSRH, Dip(GUM)
Professor of Fetal Medicine and Lead of the Twin and Multiple Pregnancy Service, St George's Hospital, University of London

Director of Fetal Medicine Unit, Liverpool Women's Hospital
Vice-President of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Asma Khalil is a Professor of Fetal Medicine. She is the Obstetric Lead at the National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA). She gained her MD at the University of London in 2008.

Prof. Asma Khalil has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers, and many published review articles and chapters. She has been awarded many research prizes, both at national and international meetings. She was awarded the 2021 FIGO Women's Awards: Recognising Female Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Her research interests include twin pregnancy, congenital infections, fetal growth restriction and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

She had a fellowship with the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and is committed to the implementation of clinical guidelines in practice. She is the Lead author of the ISUOG guideline on the role of ultrasound in twins and congenital infections. She also led the guideline team developing the FIGO guideline on twin pregnancies. She was a member of the NICE Guideline Committee updating the Twin and Multiple Pregnancy guidance.

11.20am - BREAK

11.50am - Mono complications

Dr Emma Ferriman
Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Sheffield

Emma Ferriman graduated from Liverpool Medical School in 1990. From 2001 to 2016, she served as a Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine in Leeds, before taking up her current role in Sheffield in 2016. She also holds the position of Honorary Secretary of the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS).

Her clinical expertise spans high-risk pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, prenatal diagnosis and screening. In addition to her medical practice, Emma is actively involved in medicolegal work, serving as an adviser to the General Medical Council (GMC) and the Medical Protection Society (MPS). She is also an editor and author, contributing to various medicolegal publications.

12.10pm - Ultrasound in twin pregnancy (live demo)

Dr Surabhi Nanda
Subspecialist Consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Lead for Multiple Pregnancy at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Surabhi Nanda is a subspecialist consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and lead for multiple pregnancy at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to this  role, she led the multiple pregnancy service at Liverpool Women's Hospital. In both her roles, she led the tertiary multiple pregnancy clinics with facilities for complex invasive procedures in twins and higher order pregnancies.
Dr Andrew Sharp MBBS, MRCOG, PhD
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine

Andrew Sharp is an academic obstetrician with an interest in fetal medicine and complex pregnancies. His main clinical and research interests include preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, and fetal growth restriction. He is the clinical lead for multiple pregnancy and fetal growth at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

His formative research experiences were on placental function and this has been carried forward into his work on fetal growth restriction including the randomised controlled trial of sildenafil for severe early-onset growth restriction: STRIDER UK.

He is an investigator on the Wellcome Trust-funded birth cohort Children Growing Up in Liverpool and Civic Data Cooperative data linkage initiative. He is leading the PLANES study for small for gestational age babies and is a co-applicant in the TRUFFLE2 and FERN studies.

1.00pm - LUNCH

2.00pm - Pre-term labour including Networks

Prof. Andrew Shennan MBBS MD FRCOG
Professor of Obstetrics at King’s College London

2.20pm - Bereavement – Parents Perspective

Bart Quinton Smith
Trustee, Twins Trust

In April 2023, Bart and his wife Sam welcomed their son Finnegan, born seven weeks premature but is thriving. Finn is an identical twin, however Bart and Sam sadly lost their son Ace at 17 weeks following TTTS & TAPS and two fetal surgeries to try and save both or one of the twins. Bart and Sam benefitted from support from Twins Trust during this very difficult time.

Bart is a senior leader in the travel industry and has spent most of his career at TUI and Google. He is currently Marketing & Sales Director for TUI in the UK & Ireland. Outside of work, he's passionate about travel (obviously), sport and spending as much time as possible with those closest to him.

Louise Bowman
Head of Family Services, Twins Trust

Louise Bowman has worked at Twins Trust for ten years and is the Head of Family Services. Her role involves overseeing the Family Services team and the services it provides to families including the Twins Trust helpline, courses, online communities, peer supporters, clinics, clubs and bereavement service.

The bereavement service provides support to both families and healthcare professionals and provide a safe place offering information, resources and a community where parents can feel supported by the unique challenge of losing one or more of their babies.

2.40pm - BREAK

3.00pm - Panel discussion/ask the experts/open floor/bring your cases (twins clinics, delivery, breaking bad news, choice, in utero transfers)

Dr Surabhi Nanda
Subspecialist Consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Lead for Multiple Pregnancy at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Surabhi Nanda is a subspecialist consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and lead for multiple pregnancy at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to this  role, she led the multiple pregnancy service at Liverpool Women's Hospital. In both her roles, she led the tertiary multiple pregnancy clinics with facilities for complex invasive procedures in twins and higher order pregnancies.
Dr Andrew Sharp MBBS, MRCOG, PhD
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine

Andrew Sharp is an academic obstetrician with an interest in fetal medicine and complex pregnancies. His main clinical and research interests include preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, and fetal growth restriction. He is the clinical lead for multiple pregnancy and fetal growth at Liverpool Women's Hospital.

His formative research experiences were on placental function and this has been carried forward into his work on fetal growth restriction including the randomised controlled trial of sildenafil for severe early-onset growth restriction: STRIDER UK.

He is an investigator on the Wellcome Trust-funded birth cohort Children Growing Up in Liverpool and Civic Data Cooperative data linkage initiative. He is leading the PLANES study for small for gestational age babies and is a co-applicant in the TRUFFLE2 and FERN studies.

Dr Andrew Breeze
Consultant Obstetrician and Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Dr Andrew Breeze is a consultant obstetrician and subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine in Leeds Teaching Hospitals. He works in the Fetal Medicine Unit at Leeds General Infirmary and helps run the multiple pregnancy clinic for Leeds, based at St James University Hospital.

He sees referrals from across West and North Yorkshire with complicated multiple pregnancies and is an investigator for the FERN and TRUFFLE2 research studies. He is also an enthusiastic runner and cyclist and is planning to do the London-Brighton bike ride to support Twins Trust in 2025.

Dr Emma Ferriman
Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Sheffield

Emma Ferriman graduated from Liverpool Medical School in 1990. From 2001 to 2016, she served as a Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine in Leeds, before taking up her current role in Sheffield in 2016. She also holds the position of Honorary Secretary of the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS).

Her clinical expertise spans high-risk pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, prenatal diagnosis and screening. In addition to her medical practice, Emma is actively involved in medicolegal work, serving as an adviser to the General Medical Council (GMC) and the Medical Protection Society (MPS). She is also an editor and author, contributing to various medicolegal publications.

Pam Langford
LMNS Better Births Project Midwife, East & North Herts NHS Trust

Pam is an experienced and dedicated midwife with over 20 years of practice in various roles within maternity services. With a career that spans from serving as a Labour Ward Coordinator to a Fetal Medicine Specialist Midwife, Autism Midwife, and Multiple Pregnancy Midwife, Pam has expertise in the care of families facing complex pregnancies.

Currently she serves as the LMNS Better Births Project Midwife for East & North Herts NHS Trust while also maintaining her specialist role as a Senior Multiple Pregnancy Midwife for Twins Trust.

3.45pm - Discussion - how can Twins Trust best support you?

4.15pm - Closing remarks

Shauna Leven
Chief Executive Officer
Shauna has worked in senior management roles in the charity sector for more than ten years. She is also a human rights lawyer, a successful campaigner and strategist, but her most important role is mum to boy/girl twins.
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Here's what some of last year's attendees said about the day:

  • "All the presentations were thought provoking, motivating and relevant"
  • "Excellent info to take back to our own unit"
  • "Very informative and all the talks provided insight of maternity twin care as a whole"
  • "I am new to my role. Hearing new ways to improve the service for women and families improve outcomes has been very useful"
  • "Whole day was extremely informative, valuable and applicable to my role"


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Event partners

We're grateful for the support of our amazing event partners, whose backing ensures we can put together a fantastic day for all attendees.

GE Healthcare logo

Voluson Ultrasound Systems: Advancing Women's Health Imaging. GE HealthCare's Women's Health Ultrasound are committed to creating a healthier future for women. That means powering more possibilities every day. They are leading the way with the most progressive imaging technology and intelligent tools to simplify and speed up diagnostics, enabling you to provide the best possible patient care. With every breakthrough and big idea, they're pushing innovation further - improving women's lives exponentially and ensuring better health for generations.

Find out more


Irwin Mitchell logo

Irwin Mitchell is a full-service law firm offering specialist legal advice and support with financial planning. Understanding the guidance and advice parents of multiples may need at important life milestones, they're able to offer a wide range of expertise from medical negligence, education support, moving home, employment advice and family law through to future planning including naming guardians in your will and financially preparing for your children's future. Their leading national medical negligence team has particular expertise in managing complications that have arisen through multiple births to both mum and children.

Find out more


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Further information

Participants in Twins Trust's Maternity Engagement Project are entitled to two free tickets per unit. Please email [email protected] for more information on how to claim your free tickets.

For all other enquiries about the day, please email [email protected] and a member of the team will get back to you.

Terms and conditions
For any cancellations received on Thursday 27th February 2025 or prior to this, a full refund will be issued (if applicable).  Any cancellations thereafter will not be entitled to a refund.  This is due to us having to confirm numbers and catering requirements with the venue.