Our Twins Trust Multiple Birth Study Day is on Friday 1 March 2024 at Birmingham Women's Hospital. Attendees can expect a packed agenda for the day, with experts on multiples sharing their knowledge.

Topics covered include the role of the multiple birth midwife, Twins Clinics, complications, sonography, antenatal risk factors and bereavement. The presentations will be delivered by specialists in their fields. There will be plenty of time for questions, refreshments and networking throughout the day.

We look forward to seeing you there. This is a great opportunity for CPD learning as well as networking with other healthcare professionals all sharing a passion for multiple births.



10.00am - Introduction

Simon Berney-Edwards
Chair of Trustees, Twins Trust
Simon is the Chief Executive Officer of the Expert Witness Institute and has ten years’ experience in leadership roles in Membership bodies. He joined the Board in 2018 as the trustee lead for Digital Transformation and became Chair in March 2023. He is father to twins achieved through surrogacy. Read his story here.

10.10am - RCOG/NICE (pre-recorded)

Mark Kilby
Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, Birmingham Women’s Hospital

Mark Kilby is Emeritus Dame Hilda Lloyd Professor of Fetal Medicine at the University of Birmingham and Consultant in Fetal Medicine at Birmingham Women's and Children's Foundation Trust. He is working as Principal Senior Clinical Scientist at the Medical Research Group, Illumina UK, until April 2024.

He is a past WM representative for the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists' Council (2011-2017) and President of British Maternal Fetal Medicine Society (2011-2014). He was Chairman and Senior Topic Advisor for the NICE Guidelines on Twin and Triplet Pregnancies ( NICE 2011 and NG137, 2019). He is a co-author of the RCOG Green Top Guidelines (2008 and 2016), which he is presently updating (2024).

He has published extensively on twins and multiple pregnancies, with reference particularly to complex morbidities complicating monochorionic twins.

In total, he has published 376 original peer-reviewed papers (26309 citations): h-index of 86; i10 index of 294, a RG score of 68.1, and numerous books/chapters for books, including Fetal Therapy (2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, UK).

10.20am - Antenatal Risk Factors

Professor Alexander Heazell MBChB(Hons) PhD FRCOG
Professor of Obstetrics, Director of the Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Centre and Regional Lead Obstetrician for the North West of England

Alexander Heazell is Professor of Obstetrics and Director of the Tommy's Stillbirth Research Centre, University of Manchester, and the Regional Lead Obstetrician for the North-West of England.

His research portfolio includes basic science, clinical and qualitative research studies to gain better understanding in order to understand the causes of placental dysfunction, to prevent stillbirth and improve care for parents after stillbirth or perinatal death. He is the national lead for Rainbow Clinic, a specialist clinical service for parents in pregnancy after loss. 

He has received over £6 million of grant income and has published over 280 research papers. He was the lead investigator for the Understanding Antenatal Risk Factors in Twins (funded by Twins Trust and BMFMS). He is currently leading a follow-up evaluation of Version 2 of the SBLCB, MiNESS 20-28 and a multidisciplinary project within the Wellcome LEAP In Utero Programme. He is on the national steering group of the Perinatal Mortality Review Tool in the UK.

10.45am - Twin Growth Restriction

Dr Janice Gibson
Consultant Obstetrician and Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

Dr Janice Gibson is a consultant obstetrician and subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine. She is based at the Ian Donald Fetal Medicine Centre, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow.

She is Director of Fetal Medicine for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and leads the National Invasive Interventional Fetal Therapy Service for Scotland (NSD Scotland). Dr Gibson has a keen interest in multiple pregnancy and was a committee member and author for the NICE Guideline on the management of twin and triplet pregnancy. She is currently an elected committee member of the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine society, serving as one of two Fetal Medicine representatives and is also currently president of the Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society.

11.10am - Complications in Twin Pregnancies

Shireen Meher
Consultant Obstetrician and Subspecialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Professor in Maternal Fetal Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia

Shireen Meher is a clinical academic and Consultant Obstetrician and Subspecialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, UK. She is an Honorary Senior Lecturer with the University of Birmingham and the University of Liverpool.

Shireen trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Liverpool and did her subspecialty training in Maternal Fetal Medicine at Imperial College, London. She is the clinical lead for multiple pregnancy and specialises in complex high-risk pregnancies and fetal therapy.

Her research interests include pre-eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage, multiple pregnancy, randomised trials, systematic reviews and standardization of research outcomes in maternal health. She has held/holds several NIHR funded grants in these areas. She has contributed nationally and internationally to maternal health through her role as Editor for the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group and collaborative work with the World Health Organization on maternal health guidelines. 


11.35am - Break and networking


12.00pm - Co-twin baby loss: The Butterfly Project

Dr Nicholas Embleton MD FRCPCH
Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician and Honorary Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne

Dr Nicholas Embleton MD FRCPCH is Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician and Honorary Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne, having completed paediatric and neonatal training in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and Vancouver, Canada. He helps lead a broad portfolio of research based in Newcastle (www.neonatalresearch.net) that is focused in two areas: neonatal nutrition including breastfeeding and baby loss.

Qualitative studies have explored the feelings and experiences of parents who suffered baby loss in a multiple pregnancy, and the staff who care for them, which led to the creation of The Butterfly Project. The project focuses on the situation where one baby is lost in a multiple pregnancy (stillbirth, miscarriage or neonatal death) and where at least one baby survives. In these projects, parents and healthcare professionals were interviewed and themes developed. These studies led to the development of clinical guidelines, a film project co-developed with parents and a four-hour online learning course aimed at healthcare professionals. Free access is available to NHS staff via a separate link

12.25pm - MBRRACE Multiple Births Confidential Enquiry

Dr Surabhi Nanda
Subspecialist Consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Lead for Multiple Pregnancy at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Surabhi Nanda is a subspecialist consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and lead for multiple pregnancy at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to this  role, she led the multiple pregnancy service at Liverpool Women's Hospital. In both her roles, she led the tertiary multiple pregnancy clinics with facilities for complex invasive procedures in twins and higher order pregnancies.

12.40pm - Twins Clinics and the Role of the Multiple Birth Midwife including Band Six and Seven

Laura Jones
Specialist Multiple Pregnancy Midwife, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust

I was originally a nurse but always had a passion for midwifery and qualified as a midwife in 2012 before working for a long time as a labour ward midwife. I have always had a passion for looking after multiples and found multiple pregnancy extremely interesting. I became pregnant with my third pregnancy in 2016, having already have a seven year old girl, Florence, and a two year old boy, Ernie. My third pregnancy was DCDA twins, Dorothy and Douglas, meaning we became a family of six!

I moved into my current role when my twins were two and have been doing it for just over five years. I absolutely love providing care for women and their families at this stressful but special time.

Nicky Nicholson
Specialist Midwife for Twins and Multiples
I have been a midwife since 2000 and worked for 16 years within the hospital settling predominantly on delivery suite. In 2016 I decided I needed a better work-life balance so I became a specialist perinatal mental health midwife, which I found incredibly rewarding. In 2023 I felt I needed to concentrate on my own mental health so moved to the multiples team which I absolutely love, especially working with my 'work wife', Laura - we make an excellent team. I am also a mother of three children (no twins) who are 17, 14 and 11 years old.


1.05pm - Lunch


2.00pm - Multiple Birth Courses

Dr Elizabeth Bailey
Director of the EBMBC

Dr Elizabeth Bailey joined BCU in February 2021 as Associate Professor of Multiple Births and Director of the Elizabeth Bryan Multiple Births Centre. She became a registered Midwife in 2004 and worked clinically before developing an interest in research. She worked in clinical research roles before completing her Doctorate and working as a Clinical Academic Midwife.

Before joining BCU, Dr Bailey worked between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust where she was also a NIHR 70@70 Senior Midwife Researcher.

Her research interests focus on complex pregnancy and the organisation of maternity services. She is an advocate for clinical academic careers and has supervised clinical midwives at Masters and Doctoral level. She also has an interest in innovation and digital health and was awarded a HEE Topol Fellowship in 2021.

Dr Bailey is leading the EBMBC in its vision to become an internationally renowned centre for excellence in education, practice and research into multiple pregnancy, birth and life course of families with multiples.

2.20pm - Intrapartum Care and Preterm Labour

Dr Surabhi Nanda
Subspecialist Consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Lead for Multiple Pregnancy at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Surabhi Nanda is a subspecialist consultant in Maternal Fetal Medicine and lead for multiple pregnancy at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to this  role, she led the multiple pregnancy service at Liverpool Women's Hospital. In both her roles, she led the tertiary multiple pregnancy clinics with facilities for complex invasive procedures in twins and higher order pregnancies.

2.45pm - Research to Improve Outcomes (pre-recorded)

Christoph Lees
Professor of Obstetrics, Imperial College London


3.10pm - Break and networking


3.40pm - Maternity Landscape

Kate Brintworth
Chief Midwifery Officer for England

4.05pm - Recognition Scheme, NICE Works II, Charity Engagement

Helen Peck
Head of Healthcare Engagement and Research, Twins Trust

4.20pm - Closing remarks

Simon Berney-Edwards
Chair of Trustees, Twins Trust
Simon is the Chief Executive Officer of the Expert Witness Institute and has ten years’ experience in leadership roles in Membership bodies. He joined the Board in 2018 as the trustee lead for Digital Transformation and became Chair in March 2023. He is father to twins achieved through surrogacy. Read his story here.