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  • School
Twins Trust responds to 'Support for childcare and the early years' report

Twins Trust Chief Executive, Shauna Leven, responds to the 'Support for childcare and the early years' report which has been published today by the Education Committee.

Our top tips when making school applications for your twins, triplets or more

When applying for school places, as a parent of multiples, you might have a few extra questions questions that need answering.  

Getting organised for starting school 'take two'!

Mum of five and Twins Trust’s social media officer, Victoria, shares how she felt when her first set of twins started school and her top tips for keeping organised.

Prepare your twins, triplets or more for starting school

Are your little ones taking the giant leap into school next September? We have tips to prepare.

Together or apart opinions

Answering that all-important school question for all parents of multiples

Let it go

Whether you're punching the air or weeping into the sink, Twins Trust’s Head of Family Services, Louise Bowman, offers tips on a good start at school.

Over to you

Together or apart can be a vexed question for parents when multiples start school. But what do the children think?

Research addresses "Together or Apart at School" question

The impact both separate and same classrooms has on multiples.