28 March 2024
Amy Edwards can’t wait for the London Landmarks Half Marathon and she’s thrilled to be supporting Twins Trust as she prepares to pace the streets of the capital.
Amy is busy training for the 13-mile route, while raising her four children, all aged under three. After losing 10 stone following a huge health-kick, she’s excited to make it to the finish line.
Twin mum Amy said: “I found out I was pregnant with twins when my second daughter was just nine months old. It was a complete shock. I went for a scan and they said it was twins. We were surprised as there are no twins in our families.”
Amy said she had experienced tough pregnancies with her older two children. She has a platelet condition in her blood, which makes her high risk too. “I was really nervous in my twin pregnancy. I was scared and anxious,” she added.

Amy said there were complications in the pregnancy and she stopped feeling her girl twin moving at 28 weeks. Doctors made the decision to deliver the twins at 35 weeks by planned C-section, due to her health condition. Amy was under general anaesthetic when twins Alfred and Violet were born on 5 December 2022.
Amy said: “I woke up and the babies were in special care. Alfred had sepsis and was quite poorly to start with.”
Once everyone was well and home from hospital, the family of six started settling into new routines.
“Home life was crazy with four young kids. The early days were hard and I remember being so tired. The first three months we were just surviving and I didn’t think much about looking after myself,” she added.
After seeing a photo of herself in her bridesmaid’s dress after a friend’s wedding, she made a vow to lose weight. Having now lost nearly 10 stone, Amy is reaping the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.
I wanted to run the London Landmarks for Twins Trust as the charity means so much to me
Amy took up running, something she had enjoyed prior to having children, having previously run the London Marathon. She now enjoys running Parkrun with her twins in the buggy too.
She added: “I wanted to run the London Landmarks for Twins Trust as the charity means so much to me. I am really excited for the day and looking forward to the reward of the race.
“I chose to fundraise for Twins Trust because it is a charity that is very close to my heart because it has helped me so much myself when I had my twins. I was in such shock when I found out I was having twins and the online resources offered me so much reassurance from pregnancy, postpartum and I still use them today.
“I was also really keen to breastfeed my twins as I had done my older two daughters. I was so anxious I wouldn’t be able to do it with the twins but I did the online breastfeeding course and that helped me so much. I definitely owe my successful breastfeeding journey to that Twins Trust course as it gave me so much advice and confidence that I could do it. I breastfed my twins until they were 13 months old."
- Follow Amy’s training journey at 4under3_marathonmum on Instagram.
- Support her fundraising here