Research to save lives, change lives and create better futures for multiple birth families is an area we feel passionate about. 

The TTTS registry and Twin Growth Charts are two of the things we are particularly proud of. We enjoy a great working relationship with a number of research units at universities, multiple birth specialists at hospitals and a number of charities. 

Sharing knowledge and working together can lead to great things.  

TTTS/Multiple Pregnancy Registry

The Registry collects data on complicated multiple pregnancies, monochorionic twin pregnancies and uncomplicated triplet pregnancies. Read more about how this data helps us in research here.


ENCIRCLE is seeking to understand if we can reduce or prevent preterm birth using emergency cerclage. Read more about the ENCIRCLE study here.


TWINS-RF aims to find out how complications in a twin pregnancy with a shared placenta can affect babies’ neurodevelopment at one year of age.


Researchers at the Fetal Medicine Foundation are carrying out a study to determine whether taking low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of preeclampsia.

The FERN Study

FERN: Intervention or Expectant Management for Early Onset Selective Fetal Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy.


​​​​​​​A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial of Antenatal Corticosteroids for Planned Birth in Twins

Nurturing ChAMPS

A study into the neurodevelopment of twins.

TTTS: developing a new way to treat babies in the womb

Professor Lees is looking into a new form of treatment – a powerful form of ultrasound. As it does not involve surgery, the theory is that the ultrasound treatment could be safer than laser therapy.

World-first twin pregnancy growth chart

This was our first foray into clinical research, carried out by St George’s Hospital in London, to develop the world’s first twin pregnancy growth charts.


STOPPIT 2 is the Study for the Prevention of Preterm labour In Twins 2, which was carried out by Professor Jane Norman at Edinburgh University.


Research into the Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Labour.

Study on early vs late intervention for twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence

TRAPIST looked into whether early intervention improves the survival and two-year development of children compared to later intervention in twin pregnancies complicated by TRAP.

Research into the effectiveness of bed rest during multiple pregnancy

Clinicians have been assessing the effectiveness of bed rest in hospital or at home to improve pregnancy outcomes for women with a multiple pregnancy.

Study into the role of genetic, environmental and intrauterine factors in child development

Dr Eva Antoniou, joint University of Birmingham/University of Maastricht PhD studentships, looked into the correlation between genetic, environmental and intrauterine factors in child development.